Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fall Break

Fall Break. What is it really? Well, for us it was supposed to be a weekend with Nana & Papa for the boys, and a little camping getaway for Rich & me. But Papa's back muscles (poor Papa!) and Rich's new manager (phooey) had other plans.  

So, today instead of meeting Nana & Papa halfway to Atlanta & ditching the kids with them ;), we are at home. AND, as if that weren't enough disappointment to fend off, it's RAINING!  (Of course stupid Kentucky would choose today of all days to rain...  grrrrr...) We really had to pray last night at bedtime about "choosing to not be disappointed" and that was even before we knew about the rain.  :)

Anyway, we are making the most of it. This morning we had breakfast in front of the TV... Then we had some special coloring activity sheets of "Super Why" that I printed off of (Super Why is Jeremiah's new favorite show.) Then we moved on to hand stamps, which is quite a step forward for Jeremiah...

After storytime at the library, Miss Katy gives all the kids a little stamp on their hand. Well, Jeremiah not-so-much. Over the last several weeks he has progressed from absolutely refusing to acknowledge that it's happening, to very suspicously peering over the shoulders of the kid in front of him to check out the process, to walking up with me & watching me get my hand stamped. It's been very funny to watch!  And finally, today, Jeremiah got a lovely blue caterpillar stamped on his hand. TWICE! Good times.

After that, we did some more coloring & Jeremiah did some sticker-ing in a little farm activity book that he has. Lately he likes to play at guessing all the wrong answers first & then finally coming to the right one. A little tiresome for me...but at least it took up plenty of time in this long rainy day.

When Jeremiah went down for his nap, Jacob & I started in on a great project that has been waiting for us for months and months:  the "My Little Blue Robot" book that Grampy got for Jacob who-knows-how-long ago. It was a very neat process...I wish I had taken pictures along the way, but alas, I didn't. Here is the end product though.  :)

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