Saturday, December 1, 2007


We went to Tennessee for Thanksgiving... All the Blisses converged there, and we got to stay in Dave and Dawn's great new (huge!) house. We had tons of fun with everybody (playing Settlers, loving on the cousins, playing Happy Family, eating turkey dinner with the best GBC in town, hanging curtains, etc), but one of my favorite memories is the leaf pile. It was truly fabulous!

Here's Jacob's turn:

I love how Jeremiah comes in halfway through to see what the heck is going on! If you listen close, you can hear him "talking" to me about it just before he appears in the shot. :)

And here's Jeremiah's turn:


Halloween was pretty fun. Jacob had been begging and begging for a Buzz Lightyear costume -- WITH wing-span, as he calls it -- for months and months and months. Nana & Auntie Jen finally gave him his wish. :) They also sent a lion costume for Jeremiah, which was very cute (though I think a monkey might have been more appropriate for these days!). Unfortunately, me being me, there was no eye-liner or anything to give him a lion nose and whiskers. :)

They got to do two trick-or-treats this year... First there was "trunk-r-treat" at church, where a bunch of people volunteered to pass out candy & stuff from the back of their cars, all lined up in the parking lot. Then there was the regular neighborhood trick or treat.

I've decided that I really don't like trunk-r-treat. It's no fun at all: kids are just herded along in a big crowd, you don't see anybody except the back of the person's head in front of you, and the older kids keep going around and around the loop, cutting in line all the time & taking more turns than they should. All the while, Jeremiah is cooped up in a stroller, tired & cranky, not able to see anything or anybody. Blah. Who wants to do that?

Whereas the regular old trick-or-treating is so classic! You load the little one in the wagon, while Jacob tears down the street ahead of you (to infinity and beyond!). Then you walk all around the neighborhood, seeing all sorts of people & costumes, Jeremiah waving all the way & making friends with everyone. Jacob gets to stop at a house to explore the many decorations (all-be-it creepy), and to chit-chat with the owners (who are pleasantly surprised by his precociousness...hopefully). Plus, after you get home, you still get to answer the door for the kids who are still out, and see Rita's tail puff up to 6 inches around whenever the doorbell rings. :) Far superior to the trunk-r-treat cattle drive!

See? How is this fun? It's not. I think next year we'll stick to the real trick-or-treating...even if we have to skip church. (Scandalous!)

pumpkin goodness

Jacob had his first school field trip on Oct 17th, which was also his Bliss-day! (Jacob's been with us for 4 years -- can you believe that?!?!?) Anyway, both Rich & I got to go along (because it was a Wednesday) and left Jeremiah home with a sitter. I think it meant a lot to Jacob that we were there, and that we were able to give him our full attention. He's a great big brother, but we can tell he misses the individual attention. :)

The field trip was to Boyd's Orchard, and it was pretty much a blast. Except for the rain. And the chaos of a gajillion kindergarteners. And the stench of the petting zoo. But really it was a blast. Really. I guess.

Each kid (and gorwn-up too) got to pick a pumpkin from the patch, which was nice and muddy:

There was also a HUGE slide, which Jacob went down about 82 times. He only got yelled at a few times for going too soon. :) There was also a tire jungle-gym... The 2nd picture is Jacob and his friend Rohan. (I think they sit at the same desk/table.) Anyway, this is one of my favorites from the trip because it shows what a good friend Rohan must be, and it was the first real reassurance that Jacob really is making friends, and that he is not a social outcast! (Even if he is the tiny-est kid in the class.) :) No worries, right?

Later that night, Auntie Jen arrived for a couple days' worth of visiting. While she was here, we put our field trip pumpkins to good use:

The 1st one is the one I made. The 2nd one is the one that Jen made -- you can't really see them, but there are stars all around it that are only half-carved out (like the eyes). Very cool.

The last one is Jacob's... He picked out the design (from -- yes, we are total nerds, and we like it that way), but I carved it. I think this one is my favorite because of how the bats overlap the moon, though it's really hard to say. I love the squiggly mouth on mine, and I love the half-carved stuff on Jen's. (And the eyebrows!)

So that was October. And just to be fair, here's the best October picture of Jeremiah (who is also a pumpkin):

Saturday, September 29, 2007

I miss my baby

Well, in 2 days (October 1st) Jeremiah will officially be a year and half old! I can hardly believe it. He's a full-fledged toddler these days: getting into everything, talking with almost-real words, trying to feed himself, climbing jungle-gyms without any help (!)...and honestly, some days I really miss my little baby! So I was reminiscing through some old videos & thought you'd better see them too!

Here is Jeremiah almost crawling...he's about 7 months old, October 2006:

And here's what we like to call The Happy Dance... November 2006:

Sigh... a lot changes in a year. Here he is today (literally):

Saturday, September 22, 2007

whatever you say, dude

I wish I had a dollar for every time I hear these words:

Momma: You're arguing again.
Jacob: No I'm not!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

at home

Here are a couple (somewhat) recent pictures that are pretty fun...

Jacob with the artist-formerly-known-as sunglasses.

Jeremiah talking on the "phone" (or phones really).

Jacob returning from his first day at school... Jeremiah was obviously thrilled to see him.

trip to pa

In July we took a trip to Pittsburgh to meet up with friends from Nyack - Debbie & Mark (& their new baby, Bridgette), and Josh & Shereen. It was a blast. We went to the zoo, where Jacob & Daddy got trapped in a polar bear trap:

and, Jeremiah really liked the fishies:

We also got to make a quick stop in Erie to see Great-Gramma Bliss. Believe it or not, Gram actually out-talked Jacob! That's something that I had never seen before...and maybe never will again.

why can't i blog more often, you ask?

Let's take a quiz:

What is the REAL reason that Megan can't keep up with a little blogging to keep the friends and family up-to-date with the chickens?

A. hands too full of kleenexes (& wiping jeremiah's nose) to type anything
B. can't find the computer desk under all jacob's school papers
C. adjusting to the early morning lifestyle has befuddled us all
D. google has too many fun, distracting gadgets to play with
E. all of the above

Care to take a guess?

Sunday, May 13, 2007

recent cuteness

Mostly I don't have time to do write-ups of these pictures, but it's hardly fair for you to have to suffer the consequences and miss out on the recent cuteness, so here you go:

Monday, April 2, 2007

jeremiah's 1st birthday

So yesterday was Jeremiah's birthday,
I can't believe it's been a whole year...
Holy moly cow! (as Jacob would say)
We wish you all could have been here.

(Truly, that did not start out as a poem, but alas, rhyming happens.)

This is the boys drumming on one of Jeremiah's presents... They've got some serious rhythm.

And Jeremiah holding up the elephant from his new "Where's My Tail?" game... So far he mostly only knows how to pull out the fur/hair from the tails (woops!), but he's close to being able to attach a tail to the velcro spot on a block.

And here's Jeremiah talking with "Dusty the Vacuum" (and himself) in the hallway mirror... I wish I knew what he thought about the scene he sees in the mirror! I think maybe he's thinking "Man, that's one cute baby! I wonder where he got that cool vacuum and where can I get me one?!?"

We didn't really do the whole "let's see what the baby does with the cake" deal, but we did enjoy a lovely gourmet lemon cake on his behalf. :)

Sunday, April 1, 2007

wagon surprise

Grammy and Grampy are visiting for the weekend,
and much to Jacob's delight, they did indeed bring a surprise!
A BIG surprise:

Amid squeels of delight and shouts of "Oh I love wagons!" from Jacob, we successfully unwrapped, assembled and took the boys out in their first ride in the new wagon. Quite fun!

Jacob is convinced that this particular wagon was made specifically with him in mind. Why? Because it has cupholders! Two for each rider, in fact! What could be better than that?!?

Jeremiah looked a little concerned, and held on for dear life for about the first 1/2 a block, but then he eased into it.

Friday, March 23, 2007

adventures in bubblewrap

It's kinda funny, their different reactions to bubblewrap...
Jacob claims it as his own and has a great time playing with it:
Jeremiah inspects it dubiously and wonders if he's been caught with something he shouldn't be playing with:

Monday, March 12, 2007

squinty-face (dec '06)

I have no words for this amount of cuteness...
(except to say that he has WAY more hair now)

Saturday, March 10, 2007

in the wal-mart parking lot

Upon seeing a white stretch limo in the parking lot at Wal-Mart, the conversation went like this...

Jacob: Daddy-daddy-daddy, look at that look at that that long look at that long long truck do you see that do you see the long that long long truck over there? It's over there, see? See it?

Daddy: Yup I see it. That's a limousine.

Jacob: Yeah. It's long.

Jacob: Momma, did you see that lizomard over there?

Momma: Oh yeah, I see it! That sure is a cool-looking lizomard...

Thursday, March 8, 2007


So. A blog. Who knew?
Here are a few recent pictures to get us started:

Here is Jeremiah looking quite dapper. (And check out those cutie-pie toes!) He's walking all over the place now. We made the observation the other day that he manages to not fall more times than he does fall. His favorite activities these days are squeezing Rita's tail (which she enjoys immensely, I'm sure), hammering everything in sight with anything he can find to be the hammer, "reading" Go Baby Go and patting the baby pictures, and banging pan lids on the kitchen floor. And holy cow, he'll be having his 1st birthday in about 3 weeks!

Here is Jacob in the middle of some hide-and-seek, which is probably his favorite game these days. He'll hide anywhere -- under his covers, in a big box, in a corner somewhere, and sometimes in plain sight. Jacob's great at the hiding... Unfortunately, Jeremiah's not so great at the seeking yet. Jacob also loves pretending, watching videos, and staying in his pajamas all day. (I have no idea where he could have picked up that habit!) He's practically reading, which is pretty exciting at 4 & 1/2, and as usual he is extremely verbal. Anyone needing to kill some time (a few hours perhaps?) should call us up and talk to him on the phone. :)

Hope you enjoyed this little glimpse into the children's lives...