Wednesday, January 2, 2008

snow day!

Wednesday was Jacob's very first snow day! It was supposed to be his first day back to school after the winter break, but it snowed Tuesday evening, sending most of Kentucky into a tizzy.

To be fair, most of the tizzying was warranted. :) Richie & I were out to dinner for our anniversary, and on the way home we did a slow 180 as we tried to brake down a slight hill. Since we ended up exactly backwards from where we started, we decided to just go with it and go home a different way. Yikes! I was glad I wasn't driving...

Anyway, our day off was a lot of fun! (We're all SO glad that it happened on a day that Richie was off too.) There was pancakes for breakfast, and playing in the snow:

and warming up:

and plenty of fun inside (Jeremiah's very into music these days):

The best moment may have been when Richie brought Jacob & Jeremiah into our bedroom at 7:something am & told Jacob there was no school... I wish I had a sound clip of Jacob's reaction. It was a very excited, yet calm & collected, "yeeeeaaaaahhh!" :)

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