Saturday, December 1, 2007


Halloween was pretty fun. Jacob had been begging and begging for a Buzz Lightyear costume -- WITH wing-span, as he calls it -- for months and months and months. Nana & Auntie Jen finally gave him his wish. :) They also sent a lion costume for Jeremiah, which was very cute (though I think a monkey might have been more appropriate for these days!). Unfortunately, me being me, there was no eye-liner or anything to give him a lion nose and whiskers. :)

They got to do two trick-or-treats this year... First there was "trunk-r-treat" at church, where a bunch of people volunteered to pass out candy & stuff from the back of their cars, all lined up in the parking lot. Then there was the regular neighborhood trick or treat.

I've decided that I really don't like trunk-r-treat. It's no fun at all: kids are just herded along in a big crowd, you don't see anybody except the back of the person's head in front of you, and the older kids keep going around and around the loop, cutting in line all the time & taking more turns than they should. All the while, Jeremiah is cooped up in a stroller, tired & cranky, not able to see anything or anybody. Blah. Who wants to do that?

Whereas the regular old trick-or-treating is so classic! You load the little one in the wagon, while Jacob tears down the street ahead of you (to infinity and beyond!). Then you walk all around the neighborhood, seeing all sorts of people & costumes, Jeremiah waving all the way & making friends with everyone. Jacob gets to stop at a house to explore the many decorations (all-be-it creepy), and to chit-chat with the owners (who are pleasantly surprised by his precociousness...hopefully). Plus, after you get home, you still get to answer the door for the kids who are still out, and see Rita's tail puff up to 6 inches around whenever the doorbell rings. :) Far superior to the trunk-r-treat cattle drive!

See? How is this fun? It's not. I think next year we'll stick to the real trick-or-treating...even if we have to skip church. (Scandalous!)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the updates Mego! The boys look like they have a lot of fun. I can just imagine Jacob as Buzz Lightyear and the picture of the little lion is adorable. Love you oodles

DivaDea said...

Oh my goodness oh my goodness!!