So. A blog. Who knew?Here are a few recent pictures to get us started: Here is Jeremiah looking quite dapper. (And check out those cutie-pie toes!) He's walking all over the place now. We made the observation the other day that he manages to
not fall more times than he does fall. His favorite activities
these days are squeezing Rita's tail (which she enjoys immensely, I'm sure), hammering everything in sight with anything he can find to be the hammer, "reading" Go Baby Go and patting the baby pictures, and banging pan lids on the kitchen floor. And holy cow, he'll be having his 1st birthday in about 3 weeks! Here is Jacob in the middle of some hide-and-seek, which is probably his favorite game these days. He'll hide anywhere -- under his covers, in a big box, in a corner somewhere, and sometimes in plain sight. Jacob's great at the hiding... Unfortunately, Jeremiah's not so great at the seeking yet. Jacob also loves pretending, watching videos, and staying in his pajamas all day. (I have no idea where he could have picked up that habit!) He's practically reading, which is pretty exciting at 4 & 1/2, and as usual he is extremely verbal. Anyone needing to kill some time (a few hours perhaps?) should call us up and talk to him on the phone. :)
Hope you enjoyed this little glimpse into the children's lives...